Friday, 9 May 2014

Malaga's Finger Painting Maestro

On our one and only day in Malaga, we crammed in a good many sights but for us none of those will ever be as memorable as this guy.
This is Malaga's finger painting maestro and he spends his day outside Malaga cathedral.
He paints with oils on glass and, for 10 euros, he will do you three finger paintings in three minutes. But these are not that kind of finger paintings that grace the fridges of many a proud parent or act as gifts to the nursery school teachers of the world, these, believe it or not, are master pieces.

He draws quite a crowd, sucked in, as we were, by his nature scenes that he creates in seconds.

Let the master show you how its done as he paints the pictures that now add a bit of magic to my desk.

And here are our finished masterpieces, soon to grace Richard's bathroom walls:
Aren't they gorgeous? 
The little bird in each of them is the symbol of the artist, like a signature I guess.
 Such a shame the little moon smudged!

We loved this guy - he does something different and has a genuine talent! Watching him paint our pictures will be something we remember for a very long time - one for the memory bank indeed. Definitely a highlight of our day!

To see the best of the rest, stick around, coming up soon will be our tips for making the most out of ONE day in Málaga.

Ciao for now,
With Love
From Andalusia!



  1. No way! That dude is frickin' awesome!!!

    Alix // Oui Je T'aime Aussi

    1. So much love for the finger painting guy!
      Grace x


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