Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Taking up something for Lent.

So yesterday was Pancake Day. Held every year on Shrove Tuesday, we spent the day gobbling down as many pancakes as we can stomach (or maybe others take a more moderate approach?).

Pancake day always holds happy memories for me. Our pancakes were an after school affair - my Grandad was always in charge of the main event (the pancakes themselves), but we were in charge of our own fillings (think a literal sugar mountain with as little lemon as I could squeeze). I always loved watching him flip them and I am now rather practised in the art myself.

As such, I couldn't let the day go unmarked...
 Smiley fillings: the tradition lemon and sugar, banana and nutella
 Sheer lemony perfection - with a lemon picked from the tree outside my window, dont ya know! Unfortunately, the banana and nutella ones didn't survive long enough for the camera to get a look in.

Pancake day is traditionally about getting rid of rich foods before you give them up over the period of Lent (of course, back in the day, butter and eggs were luxuries!). Many people take up lent related challenges of giving up chocolate or going veggie, but, lets face it, no one really wants to go without and most will cave before the week is out. 

I read somewhere that it only takes 30 days to make something a habit so instead of giving up something for Lent, I thought why not take up something and make a change.

So here goes, announcing to the internet that I will go to Pilates class two mornings a week starting next week...
If you see me online on Wednesday or Friday mornings between 9am and 10am, shoot me.

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