Saturday, 23 November 2013

For one night only...

After fighting tooth and nail (and Russian theatre bureaucracy), I finally managed to secure the tickets.

The State Academic Voronezh Russian Folk Choir (if you think that's a mouthful try it in Russian: Государственный академический Воронежский русский народный хор) ...performing for one night only in their sell out 75th anniversary concert!

At bargain £6 a seat (given it was 2 rows from the back!), I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.
What we got was SUBLIME.

As a Londoner born and bred, I spend a lot of time in the theatres of the West End (those of you that know me can vouch for the fact I am a theatre nerd!). However, I can safely say that The State Academic Voronezh Russian Folk Choir was hands down the best show I've seen in a long time. The bright traditional costumes, the mixture of polished folk dance and traditional music, the highs and lows of haunting hymn like songs contrasted with sprightly tunes you can imagine being sung at village festivals - it was truly magical.

To me it seemed the epitome of Russian culture - the cossacks in their fur hats whirling like dervishes, the choir girls like enchanted Russian dolls gliding across the stage, balalaikas being strummed in the background.

Definitely the highlight of my time in Russia so far...

The choir and band...true professionals

My favourite dance of the night...the boys tapped rhythms with the tambourines which were repeated by the girls using their feet to kick the tambourines with kicks and leaps.
 COSSACKS...yes they even did the squatty kicky dance (weird way to say it but you know the one I mean!)

Sam underneath the poster... a jolly night was had by all.

And what better way to end the night than to wash it down with a couple of bottle of cheap Russian champers...would be rude not too :)

With love from the Motherland x

P.S. Sorry about the picture quality...I'm pretty sure my autofocus has stopped working :( Back to PC World I go on return to the UK!

P.P.S. ONLY 5 DAYS TO GO UNTIL THE BOLSHOI...expect lots of lovely Moscow pictures soon!


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